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Hope for the Harvest

God’s Glory Departed

God’s Glory Departed

Date: 2021-01-27 10:30 pm

Prophetic Voice Title: God’s Glory Departed

We cannot force God to do anything for us through prayers. He cannot be contained. Yet, He is a God of compassion. He has saved us from sin, and He will save us from death. But everything that is worthless and sinful will be devoured by the fire of wrath. Only what is good, dedicated to God, and righteous will remain.

SAINTS: There are many that think God is coming now, especially with a new President of the United States that wants to do away with the pipeline & over 11,000 people going to be laid-off. He wants to have open borders. He is causing a lot of stress to believers and non-believers. God, is coming in His timing. It’s important we are ready doing His work while we wait!

“My Dear Children why are you dismayed? Is it because you cannot handle what you are seeing? Do you feel I betrayed you? All the nations have corruption. Not only where you live. Yes, you see things you don’t want to see. You have leaders that only pacified you until they got in office. If you can’t handle this how are you going to handle your life, while you wait for My coming?  When the antichrist arrives on the scene you will not be here-you will be with Me. But the ones that are left behind will be fine for the first 3-1/2 years while the cunning Satan is pacifying them with kind words and promises. Then the next 3-1/2 years all hell will break loose. Most of the people will believe his lies and conform to his ways-even while suffering. You have leaders that have the same personality as the antichrist-even though they are not the antichrist. Even though presently things are going haywire, it is time to trust in Me and not what man says. Why is your Bible collecting dust on the table? Did you forget how to read? Now is the time to read My word, trust in Me, talk to Me. I and only I can comfort you. I will not allow harm come your way if you trust in Me instead of listening to the clamor voice of Satan, says the Lord.”


Ezekiel 22:8-16 “Every leader of Israel who lives within your walls is bent on murder. Fathers and mothers are treated for contempt. Foreigners are forced to pay for protection. Orphans and widows are wronged and oppressed among you. You despise My holy things and violate My sabbath days of rest. People accuse others falsely and send them to their death. You are filled with idol worshipers and people who do obscene things. Men sleep with their fathers’ wives and have intercourse with women who are menstruating. Within your walls live men who commit adultery with their neighbors’ wives, who defile their daughters-in-law, or who rape their own sisters. There are hired murderers, loan racketeers, and extortioners everywhere. They never even think of Me and My commands, says the Sovereign Lord. But now I clap My hands in indignation over your dishonest gain and bloodshed. How strong courageous will you be in My day of reckoning? I, the Lord has spoken, and I will do what I said. I will scatter you among the nations and purge you of your wickedness. And when I have been dishonored among the nations because of you, you will know that I am the Lord.”


Hebrews 12:26-29 “When God spoke from Mount Sinai His voice shook the earth, but now He makes another promise; Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also. This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain. Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire.”


Sara Holowell

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