Prophetic Voice Title: Worry
It is easier said than done, when it comes to worry. Many Christians say, “I trust God, but there are certain things that stay in my mind and I can’t let go!” There is the …
Christian Service has no Unemployment
Date: 2020-09-24 12:02 am
Prophetic Voice Title: Christian Service has no Unemployment
It doesn’t make a difference what age you are to do the Lords work. There are people walking with the Lord many years; now, they say, “I am too tired, the …
Christian Service has no Unemployment
Date: 2020-09-23 9:21 pm
Prophetic Voice Title: Mustard Seed
When you go through difficulties in life; and you don’t have a small tiny mustard seed in you that will germinate, so you can get through the obstacles. That reminds me of what happened …
Mustard Seed
Date: 2020-09-19 9:15 pm
Prophetic Voice Title: Mustard SeedWhen you go through difficulties in life; and you don’t have a small tiny mustard seed in you that will germinate, so you can get through the obstacles. That reminds me of what happened …
Is your Faith Fading Away?
Date: 2020-09-08 4:37 pm
Prophetic Voice Title: Is your Faith Fading Away?
It is easier to take the wide path that leads to destruction, then taking the narrow path that leads to eternity. There are many that have been walking with the Lord …