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Deep within every heart
Hope for the Harvest



Date: 2017-11-29 10:42 pm

Prophetic Voice Title: Self-Deception
There are people that are dishonest and feel they can get away with it. That is self-deception After awhile people catch on. Especially God. God knows your heart. There are people that lie under oath. There are spouses that commit adultery and deny it. Children lie to their parents and say: I didn’t do it, she/he did it.
SAINTS: It all boils down to self-deception. You cannot claim to be a child of God and be dishonest. It will catch up with you. Repent now; don’t wait until tomorrow. You are not promised tomorrow.
“My Dear Children what happen to honesty? Did you forget that being dishonest will cause you a lot of grieve, not only to you but also to your family? I sacrifice My Son for you. He took much abuse and beatings and hung on the cross for you. Do you think the Bible is just a fairy tale? Do you think I instructed My true servants just to write and it has no purpose? if that was the case I would be fooling myself.
There is so much self-deception in the world. People lying under oath. To the extend of putting their hand on My Bible and say: ‘I swear to tell the whole truth so help me God.’ How do you think I feel when I know they are lying? You have public figures that govern and to protect the people of their State. Many of them are corrupt! They tell one lie after another. When caught they apologize and a little while later they do the same thing. You have man-made preachers that are dishonest. They claim they were called by Me; yet they are dishonest!
I am cleaning house. I am exposing the dishonest lies that is hurting so many people. It is at the point where their families are torn apart and ashamed of them. This is the time to get right with Me, repent and seek My guidance, otherwise you will be apart from Me forever, says the Lord.”
Psalm 24:3-4 “Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tells lies.”
Jeremiah 22:17 “But you! You have eyes only for greed and dishonesty! You murder the innocent, oppress the poor, and reign ruthlessly.”
Romans 3:7-8 “But, someone might still argue, how can God condemn me as a sinner if my dishonesty highlights His truthfulness and brings Him more glory? And some people even slander us by claiming that we say: The more we sin, the better it is! Those who say such things deserve to be condemned.”
Revelation 21:27 “Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty-but only those whose names are written in the Lamb Book of Life.”
Sara Holowell
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