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Hope for the Harvest

What Are You Like Under Pressure?

What Are You Like Under Pressure?

Date: 2016-03-24 5:11 pm

Prophetic Voice Title: What Are You Like Under Pressure?

As a child of God we cannot live two different standards. We either trust God in all circumstances or only things we choose to trust Him in. Living in a society we live in, it is easy to cave in under pressure and forget that God is waiting to lift us up from the pressure of life.

SAINTS: Let us not let the devil get the best of us. Remember: God is with us who can be against us?

“Dear Children I always stand by My children, but I cannot say the same for some. There are many when under pressure start to falter. They are crushed and looking for revenge or an scapegoat to relieve them of the pressure.

A child of mind knows that even when tested I would never forsake them. When your tested it should make you strong. I am your shelter through the storms of life. When it rains you run for shelter, you don’t just stand there. That is what all My children should do.

The only way to survive is when you gravitate towards Me. I will give you the strength and courage and confidence to tarry on says the Lord.”

2 Chronicles 32:31 “When ambassadors arrived from Babylon to ask about the remarkable events that had taken place in the land, God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17-22 “Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. Do not scoff at prophecies, but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. Stay away from every kind of evil.”

Sara Holowell

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